How does COVID-19 impact your upcoming office visit? Learn more by clicking here or scrolling below.

A message from Dr. Fisher 12/13/21

The COVID-19 pandemic continues across our state and nation. The virus is highly contagious and is responsible for many deaths and illnesses. Prevention is the key to avoid acute infections and spread of the illness. The vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson) along with a booster can prevent infection and spread of the virus. The vaccine is indicated from age 5-18 in children and all adults. COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that is contracted via Ace-receptors in our nose. Wearing a mask that covers your nose inside buildings or at crowded outdoor events can decrease the spread of the virus. Handwashing is important after potential viral contact. Common sense is key to decreasing your risk of Covid-19 infection.

Breakthrough infections can be seen in vaccinated individuals. This risk is greatly reduced with a booster vaccine as we rarely see breakthrough infections after booster vaccines (12 days after the booster or longer). We strongly encourage the booster to prevent the new variants.

Symptoms include nasal/sinus congestion and drainage, low grade fever, achiness, occasional loss of smell or taste. PCR or Rapid testing is important if symptoms develop or after exposure to a person infected with COVID-19.

Treatment may include increasing fluids, supportive symptomatic care, monoclonal antibody treatment or newer oral medications pending FDA approval.

Our office can help evaluate and treat our patients with symptoms or after exposure to the virus.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information - Posted 1/11/21

Below are some helpful articles about the COVID-19 Vaccines from the Mayo Clinic:

COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts

Vaccines to prevent the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are perhaps the best hope for ending the pandemic. But as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) begins authorizing emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines, you likely have questions. Find out about the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines, how they work, the possible side effects and the importance of continuing to take infection prevention steps...

View the full article at

COVID-19 vaccine myths debunked

Myth: There are severe side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Fact: There are short-term mild or moderate vaccine reactions that resolve without complication or injury. The early phase studies of the Pfizer vaccine show that it is safe. About 15% of people developed short lived symptoms at the site of the injection. 50% developed systemic reactions primarily headache, chills, fatigue or muscle pain or fever lasting for a day or two. Keep in mind that these side effects are indicators that your immune system is responding to the vaccine and are common when receiving vaccines...

View the full article at

COVID-19 vaccine: Patient Education (PDF)

Read more about vaccine effectiveness, side effects, and who should be vaccinated on this Patient Education document from the Mayo Clinic.

Latest COVID-19 Impacts to your Office Visit - Posted 11/12/20

COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Due to Pennsylvania's increase spread of COVID-19, we are evolving our office standards to reduce exposure risk to our patients, providers and office staff. During this time, we ask you come alone to your office appointment please. If age 65 or older, one support person is permitted if necessary and under age 18, one parent or legal guardian is permitted per patient. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Hours: We are currently open during our regular hours. We are still encouraging our wellness visits to be performed in the morning, with sick call hours in the afternoon.

Masks: We are asking all patients entering our office to wear your protective face masks and follow social distancing. It is imperative we all continue to protect one another. Thank you very much.

TeleHealth: We are able to perform TeleHealth or Video Visits from your home. Please call your insurance to determine your insurance benefit. Please continue to call our office regarding your health needs.

Payment Options: We accept checks and credit cards for your services with us. Please no cash payments.

View full size pdf here CDC How to Safely Wear Cloth Face Masks

View the full list from the CDC of steps you can take to prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community.

Get all your answers about the disease on the CDC's Frequently Asked Questions page:

*Information on this page was obtained from the CDC

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